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New processing technologies could enhance probiotic dairy products

By Guy Montague-Jones, 06-Aug-2010

An academic review has underlined the promise of high pressure processing (HP) and pulsed electric fields (PEF) to ensure the viability and shelf life of probiotic dairy products.

Writi同时分解成纳米纤维ng in the journal Trends in Food Science Technology, Brazilian scientists said the tw柳叶鳝藤o emerging processing technologies could help maintain the functional properties of probiotics.

Because traditional thermal techniques can destroy the friendly bacteria, studies have been conducted to see if new technologies could do a better job. This work could poten这个分公司就将迎来灭顶之灾tially expand the fo秀英竹od shelf space currently open to probiotics.

Promising technologies

Reviewing the literature relevant to processing probiotic milk products, the Brazilian scientists said: The application of HP and PEF to develop dairy foods supplemented with probiotic cultures is promising.

In addition to overcoming the problem of heat related damage, the scientists said these emerging technologies may have a positive impact on some quality parameters. For example, in probiotic yoghurts the scientists note that HP treatment may improve the texture, delivering firmer and thicker products.

And pulsed electric field techniques have been advanced as having significant potential for cheese manufacturing because逍遥藤 studies have reported improvements in the coagulation properties of the milk, such as gel firmness and time of coagulation during cheese production.

Potential drawbacks

But drawbacks do re在国内首次实现了气凝胶产品的批量生产main to both these technologies. For example, equipment for high pressure processing remains expensive despite cost reductions over recent years.

In addition, some concerns remain about product quality. For example, the authors reference research that suggests PEF treatment may reduce tolerance to a红掌cid and bile in probiotic dairy products, potentially compromising their probiotic potential.
